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The Deep Dive Giveaway Contest, Embark On a Virtual Excursion!

This contest will Begin On 4/14/20 and end on 4/24/20.

The winner will win, a brand new pair of adult size Cressi, Dive/Snorkel, Fins!

I am inviting you on a virtual excursion. Grab your dive gear, jump in and explore My Store.

Dive and search through the store pages and explore the products there, by clicking Shop By Category!

Contest Rules

Click Shop By Category and explore the products

1. Choose your three favorite products at my store.

2. Share at least one of the products, on your social media feed.

3. Prove it-Post a photo or screenshot, of your favorite product from my store, shared on your social media feed!

4. How do I prove it? Reply to this post in the comments, or in the comment area of the Social Media site, where my contest is posted, and tell me your three favorite products.


Post the photo of your social medial product share, in the comments. You can also email me your dive contest answers and screenshot if you prefer.

I will place all qualifiers, into a drawing and select one winner!

I will announce the winner on 4/25/20. Good Luck and Have Fun!

4/25/20. The winner is Becky Bough! Congratulations Becky and thank you for being a part of the fun.



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